The one-stop giving app to connect donors and non-profits

We partnered with startup studio Novel Ventures to build the MVP for an all-in-one donation platform.

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Product strategy

Data strategy

UX design

User testing

User research

Mobile engineering

Backend engineering


Ruby on Rails Logo
Ruby on Rails
React Native
React Native
Figma Logo
Mixpanel Logo
Expo Logo
Twilio Logo

Product Strategy

When we started conversations about Myte, there were lots of great designs and ideas on the table, but the feature set needed to be tightened for market entry. We helped solidify a more focused scope for MVP that would bring immediate value to users while allowing us to move fast and keep iterating. We also consulted with the client to ensure we’d validated this idea and gathered feedback with potential donors and organizations, as we put together a rock-solid go-to-market strategy.

Product Design

Novel Ventures worked with a different partner to create the branding and initial designs for the app, so our team leveraged the existing design system to make optimizations and finalize MVP. Research showed that users were motivated to give not based on the organization but based on causes they were passionate about, so the goal was to design a user experience around that need.

Product Engineering

We built the app with React Native, allowing us to use a single codebase that we could deploy to both the App Store and Google Play, and one of our favorite tools, Expo, helped us build and launch releases quickly and efficiently. We leveraged Ruby on Rails to move fast while establishing a scalable backend. Our iterative development process ensured we stayed in lock step with our client, giving us the flexibility to make weekly adjustment, as needed.

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